The Battle Cancer Program

Worldwide Fitness Support for those Post-Cancer


What is The Battle Cancer Program?

The Battle Cancer Program is a fully-funded strength and fitness program, delivered twice a week for 12-weeks, specifically tailored for people post-cancer treatment and launching in 2025! The program is specifically designed to engage people who have experienced cancer in a meaningful pathway of structured and progressive exercise rehabilitation that builds physical confidence, independence, a belief in a better quality of life and health for the future.

How is the Battle Cancer Program different?

The battle cancer driving philosophy is restoration through rehabilitation; motivation through inspiration; hope through healing.

Whilst adhering to best practice in terms of physical rehabilitation in the wake of treatment for cancer, the Battle Cancer program is distinctly different to the common means of assisted recovery through exercise in a few different ways.

Firstly, the Battle Cancer program is housed within the world’s best gym facilities and delivered by the most highly skilled and experienced fitness professionals operating within the global sector.

Secondly, the focus of the exercise sessions, from day one, is to instil life-long compliance with exercise as a behaviour and not merely as a means of short-term intervention. The Battle Cancer program is a new beginning for those who choose to enrol, and the first step towards believing and achieving new standards of health and fitness.

Finally, the environments that house the Battle Cancer program are inspiring, inclusive, and non-medical.

Inclusion Criteria

  1. A minimum of two months clear of all cancer treatment;

  2. Signed off by your doctor to take part in physical activity.

Exclusion Criteria*

  • Anyone that has had brain or CNS cancer;

  • Anyone with two or more severe simultaneous diseases or medical conditions, particularly cardiovascular and neurological.

*Please note that if any of the exclusion criteria apply, we may still be able to help support you with exercise and lifestyle guidance through an individual exercise rehabilitation program. Please click here to find out more.

The Program

initial consultation

Following an initial consultation (covering all aspects of past medical history, as well as past exercise experience, and completion of a physical activity readiness questionnaire), each individual is assessed in terms of their functional ability and exercise tolerance appropriate to the individual.

the 12-week program

During the 12-week Battle Cancer program, participants attend two 1-hour classes per week, to kickstart rebuilding their strength and fitness. The program is fully funded to make it free for participants and ensure there is no financial barrier to participation (commencing 2025).

Sessions days and times will be determined by demand, however the proposed options are:

  • Monday or Wednesday from 7-8am

  • Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday from 12-1pm

  • Sunday from 10.15-11.15am

The program uses simple, accessible movements, and the Coach guides each individual at their own pace, taking into consideration:

  1. Specific energy needs and capabilities;

  2. Any soft-tissue issues associated with surgery;

  3. Physical abilities and limitations;

  4. The specific goals that relate to the individual.

What Do Participants Receive?

fully-funded coaching and more!

  • 12 weeks of two hours per week of group strength and conditioning coaching (max. 12 people per program);

  • Participant handbook to track and chart progress;

  • Free team spot at any Battle Cancer event.